Residential Roofing

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The roof is the first line of defense in protecting your home and your family. All Iowa Construction will help ensure you have a secure, strong roof, which is essential to protect the life and value of your home and keep your family safe.

Whether your shingles are slowly deteriorating from age and the elements, or your entire home is significantly damaged in a storm – All Iowa Construction will put a solid roof over your head.


There are several common causes of roofing damage, which may result in leaks and water damage. Watch for the causes summarized below, which left unchecked, may eventually lead to serious structural damage.

  • Severe weather. Hail and wind can tear shingles, while melting snow and ice can soften and weaken the roof.
  • Tree limbs and debris. Branches and limbs may snap off trees during storms or simply from aging or disease, and may scrape or puncture the roof. Debris that lands on the roof can cause water to gather, providing refuge for small animals.
  • Gutter problems. Faulty, clogged or improperly installed gutters can cause pooling water, which may soften or even rot the roof.
  • Wildlife. Squirrels, raccoons, rats, mice, birds and other small animals may try to make a nest on your roof with branches and debris, or tear shingles when trying to get into the attic.
  • Poor construction. If low quality materials were used or your roof was not constructed properly, it will likely not hold up to normal wear and tear as a correctly installed roof.

It is wise to visually inspect your roof several times each year. You can often do this from the ground or even looking out a window. If you notice any of these warning signs of roofing problems, contact All Iowa Construction immediately to conduct a physical inspection

  • Black streaking stains or missing granules on the shingles
  • Curled or buckled shingles
  • Rusted flashings
  • Moss or mold growing on the roof
  • Water stains, moisture or mold growing in the attic
  • Leaks in the roof
  • Unusually high utility bills

Your roof is a big investment and serves a very important function – protecting your home and family – so it is important to maintain it. To stay ahead of potential problems, it is wise to have your roof physically inspected by a professional regularly.

All Iowa Construction is on stand-by to inspect your roof, anytime throughout the year. We will check shingles, flashing, fascia, sealant, gutters, and the attic to ensure these items are intact and functioning properly.

Our full service construction team can accurately assess the condition of your roof, identify any issues and address them. Plus, it’s dangerous crawling around up there – let our experienced professionals do the work.

Call to request an inspection:

  • Following a major storm.
  • If you suspect or see evidence of any of the common causes of roof damage.
  • If you see any of the warning signs of roofing problems.

Any roofing issue should be checked immediately to prevent structural damage to your roof and home. Contact All Iowa Construction if you have questions about your roof or if you suspect a problem – we’ve got your back, and your roof!